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Develop a strong co-leadership – so you lead and develop together!

What would be the effect if all your employees developed into strong co-leaders?

It is seen as a matter of course to develop the company’s managers and leaders. What power and progress you would get by also developing your employees, imagine an everyday where everyone comes to work and:

• Are committed and take responsibility
• Shows personal concern
• Confronts constructively
• Supports the manager
• Shows a positive attitude
• Inspires creativity
• Has good stress management skills

Research shows that these seven qualities lead to efficiency, better results, strengthen community and promote job satisfaction in workplaces. Reinforce traditional leadership development by developing strong co-leadership.

During this full day you will focus on:
– Self-leadership
– Psychological security
– Communication and feedback
– Group development
– Starting a development process

About the course leader:

Camilla Rova has extensive experience in leadership and health, creating healthy workplaces where work environment, business development and health become an unbeatable trinity. She coaches and inspires new thinking, behavioral changes and personal development through education, workshops and lectures in health and leadership.

Begin a development process towards creating an unparalleled work environment. By developing strong co-leadership, the door opens to new opportunities and achievements.


This is included in the course:

  • We carry out a preliminary study so that you can get answers to your specific questions
  • Morning coffee, lunch and afternoon coffee
  • Evaluation and follow-up of results
  • Course certificate

Date 2024:
Gothenburg 12 November
Malmö 19 November

Time: 09.00-16.00 incl. breaks

