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Sofia Thunberg

The Leader in AI and Robotics Shaping the Technology of the Future

Sofia Thunberg is a prominent force in robotics and cognitive science, a visionary at the forefront of technological innovation. With her solid background as a PhD student in cognitive science and many years of experience in AI, robots and technology, Sofia has not only contributed to scientific development but also changed the way we look at the technology of the future.

Through her own robotics and technology development company, Sofia puts theory into practice and paves the way for innovative solutions that not only improve our everyday lives but also shape how we interact with technology. Her passion for creating intelligent and user-friendly systems leads the way for the next generation of technological advancements.

Sofia Thunberg is not only a leader and pioneer in her field – she is an inspiring role model who shows that with knowledge, vision and drive we can create a better and more technologically advanced future.

Sofia Thunberg’s lectures are an inspiring journey into the technology of the future, where she illuminates with passion and deep expertise how AI, robotics and cognitive science are reshaping our world. With her unique combination of academic knowledge and practical experience as an entrepreneur and team leader for the Swedish national team in service robotics, Sofia offers an engaging and accessible insight into some of today’s most ground-breaking technologies.

Sofia’s lectures are not only informative, they are also powerfully inspiring. She has a knack for taking complex topics like AI and robotics and turning them into compelling stories that engage everyone from tech enthusiasts to policy makers. With concrete examples from her own research and entrepreneurial journey, she shows how technology can be used to solve real problems and create sustainable solutions for the future.

As a lecturer, Sofia Thunberg is a dynamic and charismatic voice who challenges her audience to think outside the box. She inspires to embrace change and dare to invest in innovation. By sharing her insights, strategies and foresights, she gives audiences the tools to navigate and lead in a rapidly changing technological world. Sofia Thunberg’s lectures leave no one unmoved – they are a powerful catalyst for innovative thinking and forward thinking.


For more information or booking contact us!

0721-90 92 92